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Carcoustics certified as Top Employer, Automotive for the 3rd year running

  • Fewer companies succeeded in fulfilling the tightened assessment criteria than in the previous year
  • The technology-focused company Carcoustics responds to the skills shortage with its own talent management program
  • Vice President HR Thomas Sundermann: “We wish to further our employees’ personal development on a continuous basis and are pleased that the progress made with our talent management strategy has been among the achievements acknowledged by the certification.”

Leverkusen, 02/19/16: This year, Carcoustics has been certified as a Top Employer, Automotive for the third year running. The company, which develops and manufactures acoustic and thermal components for the automotive industry and other manufacturing sectors, once again ranges among the top 10 this year. The certification is awarded by the Top Employers Institute and involves a strict assessment process. One noteworthy aspect of this year’s results is that fewer companies fulfilled the tightened assessment criteria than the previous year.

The launch of the employer branding campaign “Be part of our future” in 2015 is now being followed by the step-by-step implementation of a group-wide talent management program that is intended to enable every employee to follow his or her individual career path. With this program, the company pursues a holistic approach, combining the topics of “Career & Succession Management”, “Employee Development & Training”, “Leadership Development”, and “Work with Young Talents” under the heading of “Talent Management”.

“Our corporate strategy opens up diverse opportunities for our employees to enhance their skills, allowing them to take on exciting new tasks. After all, the chances for our company to grow depend to a large extent on the way each individual can make a contribution based on their strengths. Whatever their age and professional experience, every employee has development potential that should be utilized,” says Thomas Sundermann, Vice President HR at the Carcoustics Group. 

We are pleased that the progress made with our talent management strategy has been among the achievements acknowledged by the Top Employer certification. It shows that we are heading in the right direction.”

As a technology-focused SME, Carcoustics relies on the combined competences of its workforce; it is responding to the general skills shortage with a talent management program of its own, based on furthering the individual and offering new options to complement conventional career paths.

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Contact for press enquiries: 

Carcoustics Shared Services GmbH

Head of Corporate Communications
Nina Khanaman
Tel.: +49.(0)2171.900 - 450

Carcoustics, with its headquarters in Leverkusen, is an innovative, medium-sized company on a course of international growth. The company develops and produces solution-oriented acoustic and thermally-effective components for the automotive industry. Carcoustics also offers the benefit of its expertise in a wide range of technologies to other industrial sectors.  Customized solutions are at the heart of its product portfolio. Our customers include all major manufacturers of cars, trucks, domestic appliances, agricultural machinery, and HVAC systems.

The annual turnover in 2015 was approx. 280 million Euros and is developing dynamically.